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I went to a worship concert, where I fell to my knees in complete surrender. I told God I couldn't hold on anymore; the weight of it all was too heavy. It was there that the Holy Spirit met with me.  He said, "Do you want me to heal your marriage? Because if you give it to me, I will."  As I surrendered myself and my marriage, the Holy Spirit began to heal my broken heart. He molded me into the woman that He created me to be. Through the resurrection power of Jesus, my family was restored. Over a decade of marriage and three kids later, our family is more whole than ever before. God did above and beyond what He said He would do, and our prayer is that He would use our story to inspire marriages and families around the world.


So why The Faith Giver?


Throughout my journey, I struggled to believe that it was even possible for God to work a miracle in my situation. Could my marriage be healed if I was in the fight alone? Could God do a miracle even if my husband had no desire to participate in it? But as I continued to trust God, He showed me that I could use my faith to intercede on my husband’s behalf. In essence, I could gift my husband the faith that He didn’t have. All God needed was my yes! When we choose to trust in God, and obey His instructions, we become the vessel that God uses to do a miracle in someone else’s life.


Being a Faith Giver is simply surrendering yourself to God, and allowing Him to use your faith, for the benefit of someone else.


​Our prayer is that this ministry inspires you to take a leap of faith, and believe God for healing in your marriage, in your family, and in your life. God is no respecter of persons. What He did in our lives, He wants to do in your life. God wants to use your story to bring His name glory…so let Him. We believe that by faith, you will be a Faith Giver.


Where my journey began

I married my high school sweetheart when I was 20 years old. Like most couples, we got married because we desired to spend the rest of our lives together, in love. We wanted our happily ever after. We desired a blessed marriage, but we had no idea how difficult the journey ahead of us would be.


Four years later with a toddler and baby on the way, things didn't look anything like we thought it would. Our marriage had gone down hill and would soon be in shambles. This was the darkest and most lonely season of my life. I desperately wanted to work on my marriage, but my husband wanted no parts of it. In that deep pit of despair, I came to a crossroads. I remember being exhausted out of my mind with nothing left to give. I was ready to throw in the towel.



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