I knew that I was in over my head. I knew that the only way that my marriage would get any better was with the Lord’s help. So, I took my situation to Him. I told Him that I didn’t have the strength to do it anymore…I didn’t want to do it anymore. I was tired…exhausted from carrying the burden alone, so I gave it to Him. I asked Him to take what was broken and use it for His glory. I allowed Him to give me a vision of what my marriage could look like whole, and He told me that if I allowed Him to, He would bring that vision to pass. So, I made up my mind that I’d do whatever I needed to do to receive the promise that God had given me. I prayed and believed. I walked in faith even in the face of undeniable doubt. I remember thinking that I did everything right, so why was my situation getting worse instead of better?
The path to purpose is seldom a straight one.
If you are familiar with the Exodus, you know that as the Israelites fled Egypt, God led them to the promised land in a roundabout way. He took them on a detour…the longer route, even though there was a shorter, quicker, more direct route via the main road. But why? Because He knew that they weren’t ready for the battle that they would face in order to enter into their promise.
When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle. (Exodus 13:17-18 NLT)
The Israelites’ detour is just one of many examples found in scripture. As we read through the story of Joseph, son of Jacob, in the book of Genesis, we see that he is given a vision from God that one day he would be a man of prominence, and his entire family would bow down before him. But, as we continue to read his story, we see that Joseph was taken on more than one detour along the way. First, he was sold into slavery by his very own brothers; and then, he was falsely imprisoned. Joseph spent years in situations that looked nothing like the promise that God had given him, but God used all of it to ensure that he was prepared for purpose.
In the book of 1 Samuel, we read about King David’s path to purpose. He was anointed to be Israel’s second king as a young man, but he was taken on a major detour. Before he stepped into purpose, he first had to serve King Saul, slay a giant, and spend years of his life on the run. During those years, his life looked nothing like God said it would, but at the end of the day, God used all of it to point him towards purpose.
Things aren’t always as they seem.
At first glance, it looked like the Israelites would never make it to the promised land. At first glance, it looked like Joseph would never become the man of prominence that God called him to be. At first glance, it looked like David wouldn’t survive to be the king of Israel. But, things aren’t always as they seem. We serve a God that makes a way when there is no way. We serve a God that uses all of our misfortunes to carry us into purpose. We serve a God that protects us, preserves us, and prepares us for promise. When we submit our lives to Him, and when we are committed to following Him no matter what, His vision will always come to pass in our lives.
Unexpected setbacks are often divine detours.
As I believed in God to heal my marriage, I experienced setback after setback for years. There were times when I saw the hand of God healing my marriage; but more often, it seemed like we were moving backwards. And during that time, I asked God, “Why is this happening to me?” And now, I hear Him saying that it happened for me. He took me down the roads that I need to travel down for my healing. He showed me the path that I needed to take, to become the woman, the wife, and the mother that He called me to be. I can see it now. I can see how He strengthened me. I can see how He refined me. I can see how He prepared me for where I am now.
Divine detours prepare us for purpose.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)
Maybe you’re here now, and it feels like you’ve done everything right…you’ve given your situation to God…you’ve allowed Him to work in your life…you’ve prayed…you’ve believed, and still, it seems like you’re headed in the wrong direction. If this is the case, I want you to know that it’s not always as it seems. Our Father uses the most unimaginable circumstances to prepare us for the places that He calls us to go. I know it may not seem like you’re headed towards purpose, but if you're following Him, you’re always headed towards purpose. He’s using every uncomfortable situation…every bit of pain and heartache, to refine you…to prepare you for the place that He has for you. So, keep going. Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep believing. If you do not give up, you will see the promise that He has given you.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. (Galatians 6:9 NLT)
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8 NLT)
Heavenly Father, thank you for choosing me, and thank you for the amazing plan that you have for my life. Today, I have been reminded that the path to purpose is seldom straight. I have been reminded that this journey will include divine detours that you will use to prepare me for what I am believing for. So today, I pray that you would strengthen me for this journey. I pray that you would help me to believe even when it seems like I am headed in the wrong direction. I pray that you would help me to trust you no matter what. I pray that you will sustain me, Father. I place all of my hope in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.