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Rise to Purpose

Writer's picture: Danielle RoettDanielle Roett

At one point in my life I was desperate for the purposes of God. I felt lost because I had no idea what I was meant to do. So, I asked the Lord for direction. I told Him that I was tired of living without purpose. I told Him that all I wanted was to live my life for him. And slowly, He began to lead me along the path that He’s planned for me. But I have to admit that this journey has been daunting. 

The call of purpose can be intimidating.

I have been on this journey for several years. There have been many times that I’ve felt unprepared or unqualified. But nothing beats the intimidation of this season of my life.

I know that I am where I’m supposed to be. I know that God has led me to this moment. But still, I can’t help but to feel like I’m looking at a mountain that I have no idea how to climb. 

I feel like Moses, when God called him to rescue the Israelites from Egypt. I feel like Saul, when God called him to be the first king of Israel. I feel like Gideon, when God called him to rescue His people. I feel like Ester, when the Lord called her to put her life on the line.

This vision of God is so far beyond my capability. I am not qualified. I am not prepared. But none of that matters when it comes to walking in the purposes of God. 

The call of God is always beyond those He calls. 

When we look at the stories of those I’ve named in the bible, we see that God never calls the qualified, and He never calls the prepared. He doesn’t expect anyone to already have what they need to do what He’s calling them to do. 

Instead, He expects faith. He expects obedience. He expects trust. 

Lately I’ve been studying the life of King Solomon. And as I studied this past week, I came across the story of him asking God for wisdom. I’ve read this particular story many times, and what always stood out to me is that, out of all the things that he could have asked God for, he asked God for wisdom. But this time, something else about the story stood out. 

At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” (I Kings 3:5)

Now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted. Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (I Kings 3:7-9)

What stood out to me wasn’t that Solomon asked for wisdom. It was the fact that he needed to ask for wisdom. 

Here is the man that God chose to be the king of Israel, and he had no idea what he was doing. He didn’t know how to lead. He didn’t know how to judge. He didn’t know how to make the right decisions.

That…spoke volumes to me. That…showed me that God doesn’t expect us to know how to walk in purpose. He expects us to allow Him to equip us for purpose. 

God calls us, then he equips. 

When God called Solomon to be the king of Israel, he wasn’t wise enough for the job. But when Solomon asked for wisdom, God equipped him with wisdom.

Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. (I Kings 3:11-12 NKJV) 

We don’t have to know everything, when we step into purpose. As we trust God, and obey His voice, He will equip us with the wisdom to do what He’s called us to do. But I want to note that we must first ask for wisdom if we are to receive wisdom. 

'If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. ' (James 1:5 NKJV)

We must ask for God’s help. 

Sometimes we get so entangled with life, but we must remember that we are not alone. We have a Helper. He’s always available to guide us, and according to James 1:5, all we have to do is ask. 

There have been so many times when I have been bewildered, as I’ve walked in purpose. For example, when I began this ministry I had never written a blog before. But week after week, and over one hundred and fifty blogs later, I am still writing. And it’s not because I know what I’m doing. It’s not because I have so much experience. It’s because I continually ask God for wisdom. I ask Him to show me what to do, and He always comes through for me. 

God will come through for you.

I have no idea what your situation is. I don’t know what God is calling you to. Maybe He’s calling you to ministry. Maybe He’s calling you to be a better husband or wife. Maybe He’s calling you to be a better parent. Or maybe He’s calling you to another place of service. Whatever it is, rely on Him. Rely on His wisdom. Rely on His strength. He will enable you to do what He’s called you to do, but first you must rise to the occasion. 

You must rise before you are equipped. 

Walking in purpose is most certainly an act of faith. That means that you must be willing to step into your new role even when you don’t feel equipped to walk in your new role. 

'Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ' (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)

You must approach your purpose as if you are ready, because by faith, as you seek God's wisdom, you will be. 

God equips us once we step into the role that He has called us to.

God will equip you with the wisdom to lead. God will equip you with the wisdom to be patient. God will equip you with the wisdom to submit. And He will equip you with everything else that you need. 

We must make a decision, by faith, to rise to purpose. 

At this point of my life, I am fully aware of my limitations, but I am also aware that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…and so can you. 

It doesn’t matter what your situation is. It doesn’t matter that you are unqualified. It doesn’t matter that you are ill-equipped. The only thing that matters is that you are called by God. And because He has called you, He will also enable you. Through His grace, you will be able to do things that you never knew were possible. You will have greater wisdom. You will have greater ability. You will walk with favor and authority. But remember…it’s all by faith. Ask, and you shall receive. Rise, and you shall walk in purpose. 

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)


Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me. Thank you for choosing me. And thank you for patiently waiting on me. Today, I have been given a chance to start fresh in my walk of purpose. No longer will I allow my limitations to stop me. No longer will I depend on myself. Instead, I will rely on you. Today, I ask you for wisdom, Father. Enable me to walk the path that you have given me. Give me the understanding that I need. Give me the patience that I need. Give me the humility that I need. I believe that by faith, you will enable me to do everything that you have called me to do. Thank you in advance for blessing me with this path of purpose. And thank you for allowing me to bring glory to your name. I love you, Father. In the name of Yeshua, the Messiah, I pray, amen. 
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