Over this last week, I’ve taken some time to really dig deep into my relationship with God. I want to know more…more of who I am. But most importantly, I want to know more of who He is. Who is the God that my grandmother spoke of so confidently? Who is the God that performed miracle after miracle in the bible…the One that is still performing miracles to this day? I’m no longer content with the stories that have been spoken generation after generation. I want to know more…I want to experience more of Him with my own eyes, and in my own life. And so, I’ve embarked on a journey to go deeper…deeper than the customs of christianity…deeper than the traditions of the church. I’m searching for the truth that is only found in His word and revealed through His spirit. And, He is already meeting me in this place. He’s revealing himself in unexpected ways. His word never fails.
When we search for God, He reveals himself to us.
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. (Jeremiah 29:13 NLT)
I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. (Proverbs 8:17 NKJV)
As I sit and think about my journey, the story of Moses comes to mind. In the book of Exodus, God introduced himself to Moses as the God of his ancestors– Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. And scripture says that when Moses heard this, he covered his face out of fear.
When the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look, God called to him from the middle of the bush, “Moses! Moses!” “Here I am!” Moses replied. “Do not come any closer,” the Lord warned. “Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground. I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” When Moses heard this, he covered his face because he was afraid to look at God. (Exodus 3:4-6 NLT)
Moses’ reaction tells me that he had heard of this God–the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob. Maybe he had heard stories of Abraham’s faith in God…that he left everything–his family, his land, his home– to go to an unknown place out of obedience to God. Maybe he had heard stories of Issac…maybe he heard about the time that Issac was almost sacrificed by his own father, until God provided a ram in his place. Maybe Moses heard about Jacob…maybe he heard about the time that he wrestled with God and prevailed. But up until this moment, it seems that Moses hadn’t really experienced God for himself.
Now…let’s fast forward a bit into Moses’ journey. As we continue to read in Exodus, we see that by faith, and through his obedience to God, he was able to lead the Israelites out of bondage. If you know the story, you know of the many miracles that God performed on their behalf. He sent plague after plague. He split the Red Sea. He provided food from heaven, and water out of a rock. I can’t imagine how it felt to witness the mighty power of God in this way; and yet, it wasn’t enough for Moses.
One day Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Take these people up to the Promised Land.’ But you haven’t told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, ‘I know you by name, and I look favorably on you.’ If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.” (Exodus 33:12-13 NLT)
Even after witnessing the power of God, Moses told the Lord that he wanted to know His ways, so that he could understand Him more fully. And this is what I want from God. If you know my journey, you know that I have experienced the miracles of God in my life. I have experience healing from depression, and I have experienced healing in my marriage and family. I can say that I have seen the works of the Lord. He is real. He is faithful. His word is true. But, like Moses, I still want to know more…I want to go deeper with Him.
Then Moses said, “If you don’t personally go with us, don’t make us leave this place. How will anyone know that you look favorably on me—on me and on your people—if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all other people on the earth.” The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.” Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose. (Exodus 33:15-19 NLT)
God responds when we seek a deeper relationship with Him.
This is what we must know. Our Father will never rebuke our requests to know Him deeper. He wants to reveal himself to us. He wants to create a deeper and more authentic relationship with us. If we want more of Him, all we have to do is ask.
There is always more to know about God.
Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve experienced the power of God in your life. If this is the case…don’t relent now. Don’t stop seeking. Don’t stop searching. When we search for Him, we will always find more of Him. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine a greater God? Can you imagine that His goodness reaches deeper than anything that you can imagine? Because I promise you that it does. You have yet to experience the glory of God.
I want God to show me the fullness of His glory. And I believe that He is doing just that. He’s showing me that His goodness is greater than my expectations. He is proving that his power extends beyond the boundaries of my mind. And that is what I want you to experience in your own life.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)
For a moment, I want you to think about your own journey with Christ. What has He done in your life? Where has He rescued you from? Has He shown you His glory in the past? If so…I want you to know that He’s not done with you yet. He has so much more in store for you…more healing…more restoration…more blessing. And all of this is beyond what you can ask of Him. All of this is beyond what you can imagine.
So, whatever you are believing Him for…according to his will…His answer will always be greater. His healing of your family will be greater. His blessing of your career will be greater. It doesn’t matter how big your dreams are…God’s plan for your life will always be greater and better. But…the journey to get there will often feel lonely.
God alienates us when He wants to reveal his glory to us.
We can see evidence of this throughout scripture. Think about Abraham…God led him away from his homeland…away from everything that he knew. Think about Moses…God led him away from his people and spoke to him from a burning bush in the wilderness. Think of the Isrealites…God led them through the wilderness and alienated them between their enemy and the Red Sea. These are just a few examples that immediately came to mind. But, as I think of my own life. It’s clear that my seasons of loneliness were also the seasons where God revealed His glory to me the most.
Why is this important for us to understand?
It’s very easy for us to become dependent on the people that God has placed around us. Maybe He’s placed us around a group of friends that are a great support in our lives. Maybe He’s given us a spiritual mentor…someone that we admire for their faith…someone that can lead us in ours. Or maybe we’re just very close with our family. Whatever that support system looks like…we can become dependent on it. And that is not what God wants for us. He wants us to only depend on Him…to get what we need from Him.
We can’t depend on others and on God at the same time.
This is why God sometimes strips everything away. He removes the things that we lean on. He removes the relationships that have become a crutch in our lives. And this causes us to experience feelings of grief and loss. It’s not easy. But we must understand that these are the seasons when God has the opportunity to show His glory the most.
Think of the children of Israel. Although they were enslaved for generations, their bondage had become a crutch.
As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them. They cried out to the Lord, and they said to Moses, “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’” (Exodus 14:10-12 NLT)
They couldn’t understand why God would lead them to this place of isolation. They reasoned that it made more sense for Him to leave them in the place of bondage that they had become accustomed to, than for Him to lead them into danger. But what they didn’t understand was that this place of isolation…this place of danger…would create a miracle.
Are you in a similar place? Do you feel isolated? Are you experiencing grief or loss? Maybe God has brought you to an unknown place…a place that makes you feel unsafe…you don’t know how you will survive because He’s removed everything you depended on in a previous season. If this is the case, consider that He has brought you here for a reason. Instead of depending on that person, He wants you to depend on Him. Instead of depending on that job, He wants you to depend on Him. Instead of you depending on the comfort of what you know, He wants you to depend on Him.
He wants you to understand Him more fully. He doesn’t just want you to read about His provision…He wants you to experience it in your own life. He doesn't just want you to hear about His protection…He wants you to experience it in your own life. He wants to show you His glory. He wants you to experience His presence. So let Him. Make the decision to seek Him, wherever he leads you…even to the unknown. Make the decision to trust Him, even when you don’t understand His instructions. And watch Him move in your life. He will not fail you.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for every miracle that you have performed in my life…even the miracles that I have yet to understand. You are a good God, and I know that you are not done with me yet. Today, I am making the decision to seek a deeper relationship with you. I want to understand you more. I want to feel your presence more. Show me your glory God. Reveal yourself to me. I make myself available to you. Have your way in my life. I love you Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.